Katawa Shoujo is a visual novel set in Yamaku High School, a specialized school for students with disabilities, located somewhere in modern Japan. The story revolves around Hisao Nakai, an ordinary boy whose life is turned upside down when he discovers he has a congenital heart defect and must transfer to a new school after a long hospital stay.
At Yamaku, Hisao faces many new challenges and difficulties. However, through resilience and determination, he finds good friends and even opportunities for love. The game unfolds along five main paths, each corresponding to one of the five main female characters, each path telling its own unique story of love and life.
Katawa Shoujo uses a first-person perspective to narrate the story, making it easier for players to empathize with and immerse themselves in the protagonist's feelings and thoughts. The player's choices directly affect the storyline and Hisao's relationships with other characters.
Katawa Shoujo is not just a game but a journey of discovering love, friendship, and self-acceptance. Prepare yourself to enter the deeply emotional and poignant world of this game.