Forum Rules

  1. As this community currently supports only Vietnamese, please use Vietnamese language. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  2. Harassment or discrimination towards other members based on gender, age, religion, nationality, or disability is not permitted.
  3. Posts must be respectful and free of offensive or inappropriate language.
  4. Advertising products or services unrelated to the forum's topic or without admin approval is not allowed.
  5. Posts should be constructive and not instigate or provoke conflicts.
  6. Sharing personal information of any forum member is not permitted.
  7. If members discover any abusive behavior or violations, they must report it immediately to the administrators.
  8. Administrators have the right to delete posts and ban members who violate forum regulations.
  9. The regulations may be amended or supplemented without prior notice.
  10. By participating in the forum, members agree to comply with all forum rules and conditions.

The person responsible for these rules is: Dao Duc Trung. 
Last updated on Monday, May 8th, 2023.
