How to Navigate VoiceOver with Four Fingers

By Oudai Vann , 27 October, 2024
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Hello everyone! Welcome back to another VoiceOver tutorial. Today, we’ll explore navigation using four fingers, which can be especially helpful for quickly accessing key parts of your screen without extra gestures. Let’s get started!

Four-Finger Tap to the Left – Go to the First Item

When you tap with four fingers on the left side of the screen, VoiceOver jumps directly to the first item displayed. This is helpful if you’re looking for something that’s typically at the top, like a Back button or the app title. Instead of swiping repeatedly to find that button, use this four-finger tap to save time and effort.

Example: Suppose you're deep within an app's settings and want to go back to the previous screen. A four-finger tap on the left will instantly bring you to the top, often where the Back button is located, without the need for multiple swipes.

Four-Finger Tap to the Right – Go to the Last Item

Similarly, tapping with four fingers on the right side of the screen will navigate VoiceOver to the last item on the current screen. This gesture can be very useful if you’re searching for buttons that are often at the bottom, like Next or Continue.

Example: If you're filling out a form and want to proceed to the next step, a four-finger tap to the right will jump to the bottom item on the screen, where buttons like Next or Submit are typically located. This saves you the trouble of swiping through every item on the page.

Four-Finger Double Tap – Activate Help Mode

Performing a double tap with four fingers activates Help Mode in VoiceOver. Help Mode is a valuable tool for learning and practicing gestures without triggering any actual commands. When activated, you can experiment with various gestures on your screen, and VoiceOver will describe each one without executing it.

Example: If you’re unsure about certain gestures or want to practice without making changes, double-tap with four fingers to enter Help Mode. Try out swipes, taps, and other gestures, and VoiceOver will provide feedback to help you learn. To exit Help Mode, simply double-tap again with four fingers.

I hope this tutorial helps you better understand and master these four-finger VoiceOver gestures. With practice, they’ll become second nature, making navigation faster and more efficient. Let me know if you found this guide useful, and happy navigating!



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